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(and probably forever) $4.00! |
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t1t4 -- t1t4
1 - Kate Moss
2 - Alien Invasion Song
3 - Via Alegre
4 - Leolo Lorenzo (AKA Lolozolo or something)
5 - Fast Song
6 - Ya, Ya
7 - t1t4 was sick and this was on the tape...
8 - ...so t1t4 played a hard core song
9 - and a surf-spy type song
10 - and jammed for a while...
11 - ...
12 - ...
13 - ...
14 - ...still jamming...
15 - ...
16 - ...
17 - ...then t1t4 went to therapy.
18 - First of Five on the Four
19 - Turn Down Three
20 - Hum?
21 - The Dead Milkmen Always make me Happy
22 - I am t1t4 (not jimmy)
(CD appearance may vary)
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(CD appearance may vary)
t1t4 -- Giraffa Camelopardalis CD
1 - Giraffa Camelopardalis (18:43)
(possibly grating) sounds set to synthesized dialog
about one of t1t4's favorite animals, Giraffa Camelopardalis. Fun for
Sunday morning drives in fraternity friendly areas.